Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just Dance....

J is for Jazz Hands. Am I the only middle aged momma who dances in her mini van? I don't see other people rolling their windows down and jamming to Maroon 5 as hard as I do. Granted while driving I only sing but if I'm at a stoplight....I'm gonna bring it. I am pretty sure it's just cuz I'm a bad mother fucker and everyone else wants to be me....but I have been told by a few family members that I am just off my rocker. They can suck it...I have fun...and since I spend by day filling sippy cups and trying to keep crayon off the walls (which BTW is a futile task) the only time I get to bust a move is in my vehicle. I certainly am to old for early 20ish people in bars annoy the hell out of me...too many OMGs and STDs roaming around. Yuck.

So....until my days in an old folks home where we can do the hokey pokey at noon right before bingo....I guess I will keep raising the roof in my mom mobile. And...until the other drivers learn how to merge correctly...I will not be keeping my spirit finger to myself ;) Well..gotta go...I need to run to Target for some PullUps...time to release my inner Lady Gaga. Peace Out!


  1. Girl, me too, I jam. Totally just said jam. Last week I was getting my car groove on and the people, tweens, in the car in front of me turned around and stared at me for what seemed like an eternity. They were doing the whole expressionless face too, it was like a stand off. Finally, I had enough, pulled out my phone, snapped a pic and mouthed, "see ya on Facebook!", and sped past.

    1. Nice work with snapping the pic! I knew I could count on you for some fellow driving divaness!

  2. I've said it once and I'll say it again, YOU ARE HILARIOUS!

    Not having a car, I like to get 'jiggy with it' in the comfort of my own home.

    I've already written about the time I was doing my legendary Beyonce booty shake...half naked and crooning, "I don't think you're ready for this jelly, cos my body's too bootylicious for ya babe."

    When the Spawn piped up, "I don't think ANYONE'S ready for ALL that jelly." Bloody cheeky!

    1. Hahahaha! Gotta love when you think you're in a groove & then your own fan club brings you! I occasionally dance at home too....but it makes the dog bark...weird.....

  3. That's so funny! I am always envious when I see people car dancing. I have the coordination of a train wreck, so I've learned not to mix much moving around with driving. Sigh. But it always makes me smile to see other people doing it. :-)

  4. You are not alone. And my daughter actually jams with me sometimes. She likes to make the people in the car next to us stare and laugh.
