Tuesday, April 10, 2012

There Is No I In Team...

I is for Inbred. I got the opportunity to go to my first MLB game yesterday....and as I was sipping my overpriced beers and eating some bomb diggity mini donuts I noticed that the hoards of people walking along all looked related. I couldn't tell one from the other....everyone had the same hair, build and glasses etc. Heck I could hardly tell the men form the chicks....well...there were a few stand out hooker looking women...but...I'm fairly certain the entire state is inbred. It was like being in private school all over again...everyone was related somehow and I just didn't fit in. At least at the game....I could legally drink booze.

I am not a big baseball fan...I'm more of a football girl so I had a hard time figuring out what was going on....after loads of stupid questions I was able to enjoy it more but I still don't understand why it takes so long....they wait more then they play...and why are there no cheerleaders???? and why don't they make the ball easier to see??? It should be hot pink or something. And what's with the dorky team names???? Who is intimidated by a Sock, Angel or Cardinal....sports are about beating the shit out of the other team and you wanna come at em with a Bluebird on your shirt??? Are you fucking kidding me?? Well...what do I know....I didn't even know there wasn't a half time. Baseball is not the suckiest sport to watch but it's one of the slowest....it's right up there with golf....another sport that needs some slutty cheerleaders..Can I get an AMEN?!

Will I attend another MLB game? IDK....my heart belongs to college football...(Go Gators) but thousands of married cousins can't all be wrong....maybe I will catch another afternoon at the park field thingy. Peace Out!

Oh...wait...speaking of inbred....my cat is inbred...look!


  1. This post had me loling,per the norm with you doll. I love that new stadium though! But yes, I can't sit through baseball either, because I too am a college football fan. And we my friend are rivals and didn't even know it.

    Go VOLS! That's right, I said that on your blog. {We'll be good again someday, then we'll kick your Gator ass}

  2. He got to eat the bread afterwards so he cheered up. Lol

  3. Seriously loving your posts for the A-Z Challenge. (which is really beginning to be a pain in my arse) And the fact that you're cat looks completely pissed off is hilarious.

    I was going to say, be back to check out the rest of your posts but I've so many bloggers say that and gotten no return visits, So sod it! Now following. :)

    1. Thank you! I just checked yours out...your shit is great! Thanks for swinging bye :)
