P is for Peacock. I have a small love affair with peacock feathers, patterns, pictures etc. I am not really sure when it started but I find it...majestic. I personally have not started any kind of collection but that is because I'm afraid that I won't be able to stop....It will break me. We were at the renaissance festival last summer and I found a full length coat made entirely of peacock feathers....for at least 8 days I was trying to figure out how to not only pay for the $7,000.00 coat but I was totally justifying it in my head. Luckily I got distracted by the bill for my daughters private school.
So....yea....I know it is only a matter of time before I start crafting and sewing however I am trying to hold off as long as I possibly can. I hardly made it out of the ladybug collecting alive and that was something I thought was cute....imagine how bad it will be with something I think I am in love with...sigh.
Niki it shannon i didnt know how to reach u. I have a HUGE problem with khaila and a boyfriend that i think only u can help with. Without going into detail it applys to a certain ex of urs. Please please call me so i can tell u. U might be able to get thru to her. My number 6125160567. I work at 5 please call its no joke!!!