Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sh*t My Daughter Says

So currently my darling toddler is really talking up a storm....I love hearing her words....she has such a sweet little voice (usually) however it's not really an "inside" voice....but that is not her fault....the entire family is loud....most of the time her words are complete or close enough that you know what she is trying to say....However...she can't say the word, jacket. She just calls it a jack...kind of cute right??? Well yes except for when we go inside a store and she wants to remove her to notify me she starts yelling "JACK OFF MOMMA!" ....repeatedly until I have it has been taken off and then like 10 people are looking at us in horror and I'm laughing hysterically.....I know she's not trying to say a bad word (trust me she says, shit, just fine) but I like to let people wonder why this adorable small child is saying something so vulgar. Well...gotta go....I think I will take my sweetie pie to an old folks home for a visit....let's see if they have their hearing aids turned up! Bwahahahah! Peace Out!


  1. This is the funniest thing I read in a long time! Oh...thaks for the Coca-Cola that just shot out my nose! Lol! Hurts so good!! Ha ha!!

  2. Coca-Cola out of the nose...good times! Glad you liked the post :)
